Leigh Watson Healy

Leigh Watson Healy
Interested in memoir, creative nonfiction, and documentary film making
Leigh Watson Healy has written and spoken extensively about outlook and trends as a publishing and media industry consultant. Her 20 years of experience writing fact-based nonfiction shines through Leigh’s personal essays on the importance we place on family and our legacies. Leigh has spent the last three years writing memoir and, most recently, scriptwriting for documentary films about local history. She serves on the Gadsden Arts Center and Museum board and enthusiastically supports art and cultural organizations in the community. Leigh graduated from Emory University with a B.A. in English and a Master of Information Science. She lives and works out of her home in the woods near Tallahassee and enjoys collecting art and oriental rugs, travel, restoring an 1840 farmhouse and outbuildings, and getting her hands in the dirt in the gardens with her husband.