
  • Joe Thorson

    I have recently moved from Wausau Wisconsin to Tallahassee Florida. I have been married for 27 years and have one son that will be attending FSU Law School.

    I work from home as a Proposal Development Analyst which includes the duties of a Proposal Writer.

    I have an affinity for this area of the country and look to continue my many hobbies which includes writing. 

  • Liz Jameson

    Liz Jameson has been an active member of TWA for nearly 24 years and has served as secretary, president, conference chair, and program co-chair. She is a freelance editor in addition to her day job as an editor. She is writing a memoir about resilience in the face of abandonment and also has a blog linked to her website. Recently, she won first place in the Creative Nonfiction division of the Seven Hills Review writing contest. And she is Team Oxford Comma!

  • Pat Spears

    Pat Spears’s third novel, Hotel Impala, is scheduled for release by Twisted Road Publications in September 2024. Her second novel, It’s Not Like I Knew Her was released in July 2016. It’s Not Like I Knew Her won a bronze medal in the 2016 Foreword Review Book of the Year Awards. Her debut novel, Dream Chaser, was released in 2014. Her short stories have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies.

  • Leigh Watson Healy

    Leigh Watson Healy has written and spoken extensively about outlook and trends as a publishing and media industry consultant. Her 20 years of experience writing fact-based nonfiction shines through Leigh’s personal essays on the importance we place on family and our legacies. Leigh has spent the last three years writing memoir and, most recently, scriptwriting for documentary films about local history. She serves on the Gadsden Arts Center and Museum board and enthusiastically supports art and cultural organizations in the community. Leigh graduated from Emory University with a B.A.

  • Dariela Delgado

    Dariela Delgado is an Education Reporter for The Observer Media Group.

    Dariela is a Florida State University and Harvard Alumna. She holds a B.A. in English and Education from Florida State University and a certification in financial accounting from Harvard Business School. Dariela has studied extensively with poet James Kimbrell and novelist Elizabeth Stuckey-French in constructing polished works and critiquing manuscripts of aspiring writers. She has provided advising towards publication and marketing works of the Sarasota Fiction Writers on social media.