Fiction - Mystery

  • George Heller

    Returning to writing after a looooooong break. Life gets in the way. 

  • Marvin Cook

    Marvin Cook has travelled throughout the US and Caribbean working to connect people to natural and cultural history at parks, museums and wildlife refuges. The company he founded designed and created exhibitions and wayside interpretive signs at venues from the Cayman Islands to the North Slope of Alaska. He produced the Charles Kuralt Trail and Everglades Trail CDs, and numerous short topic videos. He has created conceptual plans for parks and historic sites including many for The Bahamas.

  • James D. Brewer

    James D. Brewer is a retired US Army officer, writer, musician and teacher who lives with his wife, Jan, in central Florida. A former professor at the US Military Academy and past editor of Armor magazine, he has over a forty-year writing career authored five novels, three non-fiction books, numerous magazine articles and a two-act play.

  • A. H. Holt

    Anne Haw Holt Ph.D., also writing as A.H.Holt

    Anne is a tireless and opinionated juggernaut who literally never stops. She is a writer of both fiction and nonfiction and is also an accomplished poet and photographer.

  • Steffan Oxenrider

    Steffan writes inspired fiction and non-fiction within multiple formats: novel, screenplay, poetry, short story, and essays. He’s currently based out of Georgia. His themes include cultural pursuits and how diverse groups interact, spirituality & faith, the paranormal, mysticism, self-discovery, and even hints of "magical realism" among others. He enjoys exploring the unknown and stresses in his writings via colorful characters and settings that there are possibilities beyond what we envision on the surface of our everyday lives.

  • George Encizo

    George Encizo an award-winning author and has written 10 novels. When not writing, he enjoys gardening and coffee on the porch with his wife, Karen, and his dog, Zack.