Pulp Fantasy Noir

  • Jeff Morris

    The Ship of Fools To 1500 (non-fiction, Incunabula)  - Martino Press 2006

    The Fate of Tomorrow: Tales of the Annigan Cycle Book 1 - Laughing Bird Publishing 2018

    Shadow of the Twilight Lands:  Tales of the Annigan Cycle Book 2 - Laughing Bird Publishing 2019

    Whispers From Nocturn:   Tales of the Annigan Cycle Book 3 - Laughing Bird Publishing 2020

    Agents of the Void:  Tales of the Annigan Cycle Book 4 - Laughing Bird Publishing 2021

    The Bane of Empires: Tales of the Annigan Cycle Book 5 - Laughing Bird Publishing 2022