Tallahassee Writers Association
The Poetry of Songwriting Workshop
August 19, 2023
Jubilee Cottage – Goodwood Museum
1600 Miccosukee Road, Tallahassee, FL 32308
Featuring Adrian Fogelin and Craig Reeder, AKA Hot Tamale
Songwriting is a marriage of words and music. Our workshop will deal with how those elements fit together, placing an emphasis on creating lyrics. (No musical skills are needed to participate, but instruments are welcome for those who play.)
Together, we will explore many aspects of the songwriting process to present a whole picture of the art. With guidance from the instructors, participants will compose their own song lyrics—and we (Craig and Adrian) will do our best to help you set those lyrics to music.
We will give and solicit feedback throughout the course, and participants will be encouraged to share their works-in-progress with the group and give their reactions to the works of others in this supportive setting—joy and community are always part of the musical experience.
The Workshop is planned for 3 hours but can be expanded up to an additional hour—music has a way of ignoring time boundaries.
Registration (15 min.)
Pre-paid participants check in and confirm their registration. Walk-in participants may register and pay at the door, provided there is room. Refreshments will be available, and participants and instructors can mingle.
Instructors and participants will introduce themselves. Participants will share their writing and/or songwriting experience and what they hope to learn in the workshop.
Topics to be covered:
Just as there are “planners” and “pantsers” in fiction writing—those who like to follow an outline in their writing and those who write by the “seat-of-their-pants,” the same is true of songwriters. Craig is a planner, Adrian follows wherever the wandering song-in-progress leads. We will talk a little about how we create our songs, and we will give you possibly opposing thoughts on the horse-and-cart question, as in, which comes first in the process, the music or the lyrics?
We will explore the difference between songwriting and other forms of writing, identifying the distinct characteristics of songs. We will contrast major and minor keys, consider the primacy of emotion in songwriting, discuss rhythm and meter, time signatures, chorus and verse structure, rhyming and free verse lyrics, and creating the “hook” that makes it impossible for listeners not to sing along.
We will discuss different song types, such as story-telling songs (an easy fit for fiction writers), anthems, blues, pop tunes, etc.
We will use prompts to get the creative juices flowing: photos, key words, music samples—and the writing will begin.
Each writer will probably start several sets of lyrics and end up honing one or two.
For non-musicians, the instructors will help create melodies that suit the evolving lyrics. Participants will read or sing the first draft of their song project for the group, share their thoughts on the process and get comments from the group.
After revisions, we will share again, and the instructors will videotape each performance.
Participants will choose their favorite new song from the group, and all will sing, clap, or chorus along with wild enthusiasm.
Evaluation and wrap-up: Each participant will fill out a brief written evaluation. Anonymous copies of evaluations will be supplied to instructors and organizers—and hopefully all participants will go home with a song in hand, an understanding of the songwriting process, and confidence that they too can write memorable lyrics.
Workshop Fees:
TWA Student Members: $25 per person
TWA Individual, Professional, and Family Membership Members: $35 per person
Non-TWA Members: $45
Class Size: Maximum 40
Pre-register here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TWA_Songwriting
On-site registration: Participants may register on-site if slots are still available.
For more information, call M.R. Street at 850.566.8675.