The Tallahassee Writers Association (TWA) is pleased to announce the winners of the 2019 Seven Hills Literary & Penumbra Poetry Contests, published in the 2020 edition of the Seven Hills Review (volume 25). Red denotes TWA members. Thank you to everyone who submitted their work, and congratulations to all our winners!
Order online! The 2020 edition of the Seven Hills Review is available for purchase on Amazon.
10-Minute Play | 1 | Judy Klass | Timeshare |
10-Minute Play | 2 | Paul McCormick | Getting to Yes |
10-Minute Play | 3 | Scott Choate | Happly Lives Sold Here |
Adult Novel Excerpt
1 | Peggy McCarthy | Cheese Day |
Adult Novel Excerpt | 2 | Brendan Praniewicz | Beat It |
Adult Novel Excerpt | 3 | Constance Sommer | How to Play Gershwin |
Children's Chapter Book | 1 | Shirley Miller Kamada | And Then Flyer |
Children's Chapter Book | 2 | Katie Clark | In Which an Answer 3 Is Given |
Creative Non-Fiction | 1 | Tim Stiles | Bizzy Bone's Cousin |
Creative Non-Fiction | 2 | Amanda Noble | Sweet and Sour |
Creative Non-Fiction | 3 | Sandra Lingo | A Tale of Two Couches |
Flash Fiction | 1 | Christine Venzon | Fountain of Youth |
Flash Fiction | 2 | Joshua Clements | Mountains Remember |
Flash Fiction | 3 | Claire Matturo | The Silent March |
Haiku | 1 | Scott Mason | Small town piazza |
Haiku | 2 | John Laue | A Blach rat tail comb |
Haiku | 3 | John Laue | Sprinklers cool a hot |
Poetry | 1 | Christian Collier | In HIs Place |
Poetry | 2 | Suzan Zan | Expectations of a Show |
Poetry | 3 | Gale Lederer | Paws in the Air |
Short Story | 1 | Marylee MacDonald | All I Have |
Short Story | 2 | Mel Goldberg | Magic Scarf |
Short Story | 3 | Catherine Moore | In Liew of a Eulogy |
Young Adult Novel Excerpt | 1 | Daniel Boyne | The Stoners |
Young Adult Novel Excerpt | 2 | Suzan Zan | The Place of Pink Houses |
Young Adult Novel Excerpt | 3 | Katherine Nelson | Before the Thunder |