Richard Junnier

Richard Junnier
International Human Rights Lawyer; Adventurer; Writer. 42 Countries; 12 Conflict Zones; 4 Revolutions.
This is where I present a suspiciously complementary bio about myself inexplicably written in the third person.
Richard Junnier is an international human rights activist and lawyer who has lived and advocated in Europe, Asia, and occasionally, where his office is based, in Tallahassee, FL. He holds LL.Ms (post-JD legal master's degrees) from the National University of Singapore in International and Comparative Law (2008) and NYU in Global Economy concentrating in Human Rights (2009). Richard received his JD with honors from FSU in 2006 and his BA from the FSU honors program in Psychology and English Literature in 2003. He is, therefore, qualified to analyze a book.
He has presented and published in the areas of privacy rights, property taxation, behavioral economics, human rights, and environmental sustainability and has won multiple awards for writing and editing. He has served on the editorial boards of the FSU Law Review and the Florida Bar Journal.
He is a past staff attorney at the Innocence Project of Florida, Inc. and is currently the managing (and only) attorney at Junnier Law & Research P.A.
Richard volunteers (less frequently than he should) with the Tallahassee Veterans' Legal Collaborative, the North Florida Homeless Veterans' Stand Down, and Legal Services of North Florida. He has intermittently been a volunteer and a contract special assistant public defender. His community service also includes multiple appointments to municipal and regional governmental advisory boards.
Richard has been an elected member of the Leon County Democratic Executive Committee for more than fifteen years serving as Chair, Special Counsel for Election and Campaign Finance Law, and Correspondence Secretary.
Finally, when he can't conjure an excuse to procrastinate, he writes travel essays, academic articles, short humor and horror stories incorporating Asian paranormal mythology, and utterly incomprehensible surrealist fiction.