Patrick Murphy

Patrick Murphy
Fiction and poetry, but mostly fiction
I am widely published in the short story form. Stories of mine have appeared, among other places, in Fiction, The New Orleans Review, Soundings East, Sou’wester, The Cream City Review, Confrontation, Nexus, Other Voices, The Sycamore Review, three times to The Tampa Review, and twice to the New England Review and Buffalo Spree Magazine. A story of mine appeared in the anthology “100% Pure Florida Fiction” published by The University Press of Florida, and a collection of mine entitled Way Below E was published by White Pine Press to good reviews. I have stories which have just appeared in the Notre Dame Review and the North American Review and stories due to appear soon in Ascent and the Delmarva Review. I’ve been employed as an intern pastor for the Presbyterian Church, an adjunct professor for the University of Texas and Florida State University teaching English, an electronics engineer running the standards lab for NASA at the Ames Research Center, and I very recently have retired from thirteen years employment as a forensic toxicologist for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. I am now, and for the first time in my life, what I suppose I should call a full-time writer (though I doubt if I put in eight solid hours of writing a day -- I'm working up to that). A more complete resume can be found at my website.